Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Got my goggles back today! It's amazing how I can obsess over something that is seemingly so minor. I purchased new goggles last night...I needed another pair anyway and found a good deal. I actually had a goggle dream last night, or rather this morning.

I set my alarm to go off just before 6:30 this morning. The pool opens then and I wanted to call before anyone got into the locker room. I left my goggles hanging off one of the lockers last night.
Just before the alarm went off, I had this weird dream that I was calling the pool to ask if they had found my goggles. In my dream, the dude I was talking to on the phone was kind of a jerk. I said, "Hi, I was there at lap swim last night and left my goggles in the locker room. I was wondering if anyone found them." He made some comment like, "Yeah, I don't really know." "Do you think you could go and see?" I asked. His strange response: "Yeah, well it's not like we're going to get the stilts out or anything!"

I was making this dream call from my cellphone, which for some reason was attached to a sproingy car charger cord and my car which was at least a block away, so the cord was under considerable tension. After the pool dude said he wasn't going to get the stilts out to look for my goggles I started getting a little testy.

I snarked back at him, "Well, if I see anyone wearing those goggles, I'm going to rip them right off their fa---" at which point my phone slipped out of my hand and shot back towards the car, smashing on the street as it bounced along. Double-whammy! No goggles and now no phone.

Perhaps a minute later my alarm went off. Thankfully my real life call to the pool was pleasant and uneventful. The woman I spoke too was very nice and went and found my goggles immediately. I stopped by about an hour later and picked them up, and all is right with the goggle world.

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