Saturday, June 7, 2008

Tri Shark Rain Report

I was hoping to post my Tri Shark Race Report here. However, after waking up to a thunderstorm, driving to the race site through a thunderstorm, and waiting for the race to start between thunderstorms, all I have to post is a rain report.

The race was supposed to start at 8:00 am. Due to the thunder, lightning, and heavy rain the race start was initially pushed back to 8:30. Race management kept checking weather reports and when they determined that the weather would not be cleared up at 8:30, they pushed the start back another 30 minutes to 9:00. At this time they also announced that, due to lightning, there was the possibility that they would cancel the swim and just hold a 1.55/13/1.55 duathlon instead. As it approached 9:00 and then another postponed start (9:15) I decided to call it a day.

I didn't feel like risking a potential crash and/or injury on the wet roads to get this race in. It wasn't an easy decision, but it's something my mother would have said was a smart choice, so I'm ok with that. I'll race another day...

A couple of other things:
  • Thank you to the people who helped push my van out of the mud!!!
  • I saw a funny shirt. I didn't see the front, but the back said, "If you can read this, you're in last place."
  • Special thanks to all the volunteers for standing out in the rain waiting for the race to start. Volunteers make races possible and we triathletes really appreciate your willingness to give your time.

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